♥ Checklist Year 2012 ♥

:: Back home at least every 2 months. (Checked)
:: Buy a handphone for my dear mum. (Checked)
:: Bring my family for a trip this year.
:: Own an Ipod touch.
:: Paint my room in November.
:: Buy a car in the end of the year.

Photoshop Brush Lesson #1

Sunday, May 22, 2011

❥Hi there! Finally there's a second post before May ends. ; ) Recently I could hardly log in here for updates though I online all the time! T^T Okok, will update you guys more frequent k? ; )

Anyway, this morning woke up very early at 7am and was about to finishing my work. However, it turns up doodling something on my Photoshop canvas. ;P

(Click to view larger picture)
Title: "You're Not Alone..."
Artist (kononnya): jingjing
Year: 22nd May, 2011
Material: Photoshop Brush + Photoshop Gradient

Ok guys! LOL I xhebat okay. I can't draw this at Photoshop. XP All I'm using is a few of Photoshop Brush, edit a bit and using Photoshop Gradient. And btw, I'm just a beginner so don't complain lahh.. If it's nice then feel free to like this post lor! xoxo ^^,

OK, let's move forward. Please feel free to click the link below if you would like to download the brush yah! ;)

  • GRASS: The Grasslands / BRUSH: Sample Brush #27, #28, #31, #32, #33, #34, #35
By the way, so sorry coz I forgot the source for my little girl brush. :( Actually that brush has 2 person figure. I erase a figure of a lady and keep the little girl. Then, I add a balloon on her hand as if she's looking for a hope.

So, that's it! Easy right? Now everybody can be creative as the brush are seriously AWESOME & CREATIVE! Ok I have to get back to work and you guys enjoy yourself! I'm sure you all can come out with something greater! :)❥

14th May, 2011

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Broken hearted..

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