♥ Checklist Year 2012 ♥

:: Back home at least every 2 months. (Checked)
:: Buy a handphone for my dear mum. (Checked)
:: Bring my family for a trip this year.
:: Own an Ipod touch.
:: Paint my room in November.
:: Buy a car in the end of the year.

Time to CHANGE! ;)

Friday, July 22, 2011

Ok Jingjing! It's BUSY TIME!!! Well buddies, I'm currently have lotsofstuff to-do and planning-to-do. And, right now, it's the time for me to C-H-A-N-G-E (yeah, just want to spell it right :D) my mindset, which, DON'T THINK TOO MUCH AND JUST GO FOR IT! Yeah, don't think too much on how it might be, how it will goes, how if this, how if that. And if you are one like me, let's do it together, move forward, change it if you think your life hasn't gone that far, yet.

I am now learning to be a FedEx girl. Will list down for u guys what I'm planning to do. Gtg babies! Happy FRIDAYYYYY!!! Muacks! <3

Jingjing ♥

Wink! ;)

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