♥ Checklist Year 2012 ♥

:: Back home at least every 2 months. (Checked)
:: Buy a handphone for my dear mum. (Checked)
:: Bring my family for a trip this year.
:: Own an Ipod touch.
:: Paint my room in November.
:: Buy a car in the end of the year.

l e a v i n g . i s . a . k i n d . o f . l O v e

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Leaving you doesn't means that I don't love you..

But loneliness came to me whenever I'm with you..
You could walk away without looking back..
But I'll stand still and wait for you..
Perhaps, I'm feared..
to be left behind forever one day..
I need to be loved and cared..
And waiting with tears makes me tired..
But you should know I love you..
Never feel so much in love like this..
You're the only one..
Who make me miss you so much..



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