♥ Checklist Year 2012 ♥

:: Back home at least every 2 months. (Checked)
:: Buy a handphone for my dear mum. (Checked)
:: Bring my family for a trip this year.
:: Own an Ipod touch.
:: Paint my room in November.
:: Buy a car in the end of the year.

= tHis iS fOr mY bEst BuddieSSS =

Sunday, August 9, 2009


All my uni

either my coursemates, technical buddies,
other buddies
as well, sisters eva, or brOs!!


also my fRiendS in mY LifE!!

(hehe~ how i wanna list that all??
you guys tau2 sendiri la ye.. hik hik

this is for you all~ i love you all!!


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