♥ Checklist Year 2012 ♥

:: Back home at least every 2 months. (Checked)
:: Buy a handphone for my dear mum. (Checked)
:: Bring my family for a trip this year.
:: Own an Ipod touch.
:: Paint my room in November.
:: Buy a car in the end of the year.


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Today, will be our production's MCP recording. Lord, please be with us. Take away my fear. Take away my worried. Calm my heart, calm everyone's heart and mind. Oh Lord, let us work in a team. Tighten the bond between us. We had prepared all this for this moment, just for today. Oh Lord, we pray that everything will go smoothly. We cannot plan it to go smoothly, but we will do our best, and avoid what is not wish to happen. Oh Lord, if there's any sudden things happen, calm my heart, calm my mind.. let us solve it together. Oh Lord, we put everything in your hand and look upon your guidance...


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